Inspired by nature
Legend is re-designing soccer through natural performance.
Sean & Roland first met as teammates, after Roland's professional career and Sean's college soccer days were behind him. Dreamers deep down, they came together to bring fresh ideas to an industry they've spent their whole lives attached to. It was clear that there was opportunity to bring new ideas and develop a brand that represented more.
Growing up in the game, Sean & Roland realized that not much has changed for the products that fuel the industry. The biggest soccer brands add a small feature to their cleats, a new colorful graphic to their shinguards, or a different stripe down the same jersey...with a majority of production utilizing synthetic materials and manufactured with cheap outsourced labor. They thought the beautiful game could be a bit more beautiful.
With a majority of players (including them) hating to wear shinguards, it was clear that was a good place to start. While the goal was to create a shinguard that was high performance, we learned that an estimated 300 million pounds of plastic shinguards have been produced over the past 40 years, so it was equally important to integrate sustainable materials and produce them in the USA.
After countless prototypes, feedback from professional players, and integrating new materials/design, we finally created the shinguard we would actually want to wear. Sure enough, the perfect material was BAMBOO.
We're now on a mission to innovate and design the future of soccer gear, utilizing sustainable and high-performance materials, while inspiring the future generations of soccer players.
Sean Person
After graduating college, Sean began to develop a business concept to focus on what he was most pationate about. Playing soccer his entire life, his passion for the environment, and his attraction to design, lead to the beginning of the Legend brand.
Roland Benedict
Roland's passion for soccer lead him on a path to a professional career throughout the U.K. & Europe, straight out of high school. Moving beyond his playing career, he remains passionate about coaching at all different levels of the game. Using his different perspectives, he's excited to help develop the next evolution of equipment to allow players perform at the highest level.